Top Magic the Gathering Collector Booster Tips for Savvy Collectors

Collecting Magic the Gathering cards can be a fun experience, and it can also be profitable if you play your cards right. Some people focus on building the strongest decks, while others chase the rarest and most sought-after cards. If you’re someone who cares about both gameplay and long-term value, Collector Boosters can help. But […]

Is Exile Dying in MTG?

Magic: The Gathering has countless ways for creatures to leave the battlefield. Some methods are straightforward, while others feel a bit sneaky. But it’s critical to note which ones actually count as a creature dying and which ones don’t. Dying in MTG is reserved for when a creature moves from the battlefield to the graveyard. […]

How to Organize MTG Cards

Magic: The Gathering can be overwhelming when you’ve got stacks of cards scattered everywhere. Sometimes you just want to find that one specific Commander staple, but it’s buried in a random pile under your bed. Organizing your MTG cards can save you time, money, and a lot of frustration. When you know exactly where things […]

Innistrad Remastered Spoilers and Set Overview

Innistrad Remastered is out in the wild, reprinting fan-favorite cards from across the plane’s history. It draws on sets like the original Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored, Eldritch Moon, and more. If you’ve never drafted Innistrad before, you may want to check this out. It’s a curated environment meant to evoke the feel of one […]

How Much Does It Cost to Get Cards Graded?

If you’ve seen collectors sharing photos of their prized Magic cards in those rigid, tamper-evident plastic cases with a fancy numerical rating at the top, you’ve already been introduced to graded cards. These cases are sometimes called “slabs,” and they serve two main functions: preserving the condition of the card and authenticating it as genuine. […]

Fear in Magic: The Gathering – A Retired Mechanic’s Legacy

I have a confession: the first time I saw a Magic card with “fear” on it, I actually assumed the creature was scared of everything else. The idea that a creature “gained fear” just seemed funny to me. “Shouldn’t that make it run away?” I thought. Over the years, I’ve realized it’s not about the […]

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Magic: the Gathering Cards and Players Near You

Magic: the Gathering has been captivating gamers for decades, and there’s nothing quite like sitting across the table from a friend—or rival—and battling with your favorite deck. But what if you don’t have anyone in your area to play with, or your local store closed down last year? Sometimes it’s tough to know where to […]

Can You Use Activated Abilities More Than Once in MTG?

Can you activate a single ability more than once in one turn? In Magic: The Gathering, the short answer is usually yes, but it depends on a few details that players sometimes overlook. I’ve seen new players get confused when they think a card’s effect only happens once, even though it can be used repeatedly […]

How Does Orim’s Chant Work in MTG?

Orim’s Chant might look like a simple one-mana trick, but it can wreak havoc on your opponent’s plans in ways that sometimes feel a little unfair. You pay one white mana. Then you say, “Nope, you’re not casting any spells this turn.” And if you throw in another white mana for the kicker, you get […]

How Does Storm Work with Giggling Skitterspike in MTG

Giggling Skitterspike is a goofy looking card. At first glance, I shrugged—just another odd 1/1 artifact creature. But then I read its ability and thought, “Wait, this could get ridiculous fast.” Indestructible, plus a trigger that hurts everyone whenever it’s targeted or enters combat, sounded like a recipe for some memorable moments. And when you […]